Mastorine S23 SARM


S23, also known as Mastorine, is a highly potent Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that delivers exceptional results in building lean muscle and strength while reducing body fat. It is prized for promoting a dry, hard, and vascular physique by minimizing water retention, making it a top choice for achieving a more defined, grainy appearance. Known for its potency, S23 is one of the most powerful SARMs available, comparable to YK11, and is particularly effective for those seeking rapid muscle growth and enhanced bone density. However, its strength comes with a lower safety profile, requiring careful consideration by users.

S23 Benefits:

  • Enhances muscle dryness, hardness, and vascularity
  • Brings out complex muscle details
  • Eliminates water retention for a more defined physique
  • Promotes fast fat loss
  • Boosts power and strength levels

Potential Side Effects:

  • Potential increase in appetite
  • Possible changes in cholesterol levels

Recommended dosage:

Take 10 to 30mg daily, adjusting the necessary dose with the dropper, for as long as the user deems appropriate. It is recommended to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase it based on side effects. It is advisable to take it with a liver protector. It can be held under the tongue for 15-30 seconds for faster absorption, but this is not necessary. 

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